Planning & Development

With an abundance of natural resources, a vibrant cultural heritage, and a population of industrious and innovative people, Northern Sunrise County is a prime location for business and investment. The County is home to Alberta’s four strongest economic drivers: oil and gas, forestry, agriculture, and tourism, making it a diverse and dynamic hub for economic growth.

The Planning and Development Department at Northern Sunrise County plays a crucial role in administering the County’s land use planning framework. The department is responsible for balancing competing and sometimes conflicting needs, along with limited resources, to ensure orderly, economical, and beneficial development. Through the application of planning tools and services, the department strives to maintain and enhance the quality of the County’s physical environment, supporting sustainable growth and development for the community.

The scope of P&D services at Northern Sunrise County include:


 Land Use and Sustainability Planning

This process includes the development and management of long-term community vision plans, such as statutory plans like the Municipal Development Plan, Intermunicipal Development Plans, and Area Structure Plans, along with the Land Use Bylaw. These plans collectively provide direction and act as regulatory tools to guide and implement desired changes within the community.

 Development Permitting and Subdivision Planning

This includes processing and issuing decisions on development permits and subdivision applications in accordance with approved plans, the Land Use Bylaw, and applicable municipal and provincial legislation.

 Development Control

This involves utilizing tools such as Development Agreements, inspections, and Land Use Bylaw enforcement mechanisms to achieve desirable development outcomes.

 Special Projects

Examples of special projects undertaken through Planning and Development include the creation of design guidelines and the execution of special studies, such as the Top of Bank Setback Study.

 Other Services

Additional Services

Northern Sunrise County offers various services to the public for a fee outside of core Planning and Development services, such as Compliance Reports or Certificates. The County collaborates closely with the Mackenzie Municipal Services Agency to implement its land use planning framework.

Safety Codes Permitting

Northern Sunrise County is not accredited in Alberta Safety Codes permitting. For assistance with the permitting process, please refer to the following helpful links:

For building, electrical, gas, and plumbing permits, you can choose from the following accredited agencies:

The Inspections Group Inc.
Phone: 780-454-5048
Toll-Free: 1-866-554-5048
Fax: 1-866-454-5222

Superior Safety Codes Inc.
Phone: 780-489-4777
Toll-Free: 1-866-999-4777
Fax: 1-866-900-4711