Land Use Bylaw Districts

This overview highlights the various zoning districts within the County and their acceptable land uses. Please note that this information is provided for reference purposes only. For detailed and specific regulations on approved land uses and development requirements, refer to the County's Land Use Bylaw.

To view current district (zoning) information across all areas of the County, consult the Northern Sunrise County's public webmap

Agricultural District "A"


To provide for the conservation of land for agricultural purposes, minimize the fragmentation of agricultural land and to limit non-agricultural land uses which are likely to interfere or be incompatible with agricultural land uses.


 Permitted Uses

Agriculture, Extensive
Agriculture, Intensive
Ancillary Building and/or Use
Dwelling Unit, Garage Suite
Dwelling Unit, Garden Suite
Dwelling Unit, Manufactured Home
Dwelling Unit, Secondary Suite
Dwelling Unit, Single Detached Farm Building
Farm Store
Occupation, Farm
Occupation, Home (Type I)
Occupation, Home (Type II)
Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna System 
Stripping, Filling, Excavation, and Grading
Top Soil Removal
Wind Energy Conversion System, Small (Type A)

Discretionary Uses

Agricultural Industry
Auto Wrecker
Bed and Breakfast
Child Care Facility
Community Centre
Group Care Facility
Natural Resource Extraction
Public Use
Public Utility
Recreation, Extensive
Solar Collector

Parcel Size

Residential Subdivision
Minimum: 1.2ha (3ac)
Maximum: 4.04ha (10ac)
Site conditions, natural features or existing development may require a larger or smaller lot, at the discretion of the Subdivision Authority.

All Other Uses
At the discretion of the Development Authority.

Parcel Density

Two (2) parcels per quarter section or river lot, with the balance of the quarter section or river lot being one (1) of the parcels.

At the discretion of the Development Authority, parcel density for a cut-off or fragment parcel may be increased to three (3)
with the balance of the quarter section or river lot being one (1) of the parcels provided that the parcel is not considered "better agricultural land".

Parcels created for public use are not included in density calculations.

Dwelling Density

Parcel less than 32.4ha (80ac)
Maximum: One (1) Principal Dwelling and one (1) Accessory Dwelling

Parcel equal or greater than 32.4ha (80 ac)
Maximum: Two (2) Principal Dwellings and two (2) Accessory Dwellings

Existing development in excess of this density parameter at the time of the passing of this bylaw shall remain exempt from this provision however,
no additional dwelling unit density shall be granted by the Development Authority.


Minimum: 41m (135ft) or at the discretion of Alberta Transportation

Rural Road
Minimum: 24.4m (80ft)
If a parcel is located on an internal road system the setback may be varied at the discretion of the Development Authority.

Minimum: 15.2m (50ft)

Minimum: 15.2m (50ft)


In additional to other provisions of this Bylaw, the Development Authority may require any discretionary use to be screened from view
with a vegetated buffer strip and/or other screening of a visually pleasing nature, satisfactory to the Development Authority.

Additional Requirements

The Development Authority may decide on such other requirements as are necessary, having due regard to the nature of a proposed Development
and the purpose of this District.

Country Residential District "CR"

Crude Oil Storage District "COS"

Direct Control District "DC"

Direct Control - Waste Management Facility District "DC-W"

Environmental/Park Reserve District "EPR"

Forestry District "F"

Hamlet Commercial District "HC"

Hamlet-Manufactured Home Residential District "HMHR"

Hamlet Public District "HP"

Hamlet Residential District "HR"

Highway Development District "HD"

Little Buffalo District "LB"

Natural Resource Industrial District "NRM"

Resource Rural Industrial District "RRM"

Rural Industrial District "RM"

Rural Recreational District "RR"

Rural Settlement District "RS"

Sunrise Gateway Business Park Commercial District "CSG"

Sunrise Gateway Business Park Industrial District "MSG"