Prospective Candidates

Do You Want To Be An Elected Official?

If you are intending to run for municipal office, A Candidate’s Guide: Running for Municipal Office in Alberta offers information regarding eligibility to run, nominations, campaigning, collecting campaign contributions and incurring campaign-related expenses.

If you are intending to run for municipal office, accepting contributions, or incurring expenses, there are new legislative requirements.  Section 147.22 of the Local Authorities Elections Act requires individuals to submit a written notice of intent to Jocelyn Tangen, Returning Officer.  

You are also encouraged to attend a regular Council meeting either in person or online.  This will help you to get a feel of how a Council meeting is ran and items discussed.  To view a Council Agenda, please click here and navigate to the Council meeting date.  You can also subscribe to receive the Council meeting agenda notifications by clicking here.