Northern Sunrise County Yard Showcase Awards
Fostering community pride, environmental responsibility, and horticulture excellence.
Share your outdoor green spaces for a chance to be showcased.
Winning recipients will receive a custom yard plaque.
General Rules:
Contestants must be current residents of Northern Sunrise County.
The featured space must be located within the boundaries of Northern Sunrise County.
Participants are required to fill in and submit an application form. Completed forms can be dropped off at the Northern Sunrise County Administration Building, completed online, or emailed to
Applications are due by July 4, 2025.
Participants can only participate in one of the three categories; Farm Yard, Acreage Yard, or Hamlet Yard.
Local residents will be selected as judges by Administration.
Judges will visit each registered yard in early July and will be provided with standardized scoring sheets. Criteria for judging is based on overall design, look, use of the space, materials and accessories.
Winners will receive a yard sign acknowledging their achievement. Winners will be showcased on the County website, Social Media pages, and within the fall quarter of the County Newsletter.
Successful applicants are not eligible for future years.
Judging will take place between July 7-24, 2025, and the winners will be announced on Friday, July 25, 2025.
For more information call 780-625-3287 or email
Apply for a Northern Sunrise County Yard Showcase Award here.