January 14 Council Highlights
At the regular Council meeting held on January 14, 2025 Administration was directed to:
- Send a letter to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Canada expressing opposition to the proposed amendments to the Species at Risk Act
- Send a letter to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs advising that Northern Sunrise County will be conducting a municipal census in 2025
- Send a letter of congratulations to the Mackenzie region for being recognized as the “Forest Capital of Canada” by the Canadian Institute of Forestry for the second year in a row.
Council appointed public members Kristy Provost to the Northern Sunrise County Watershed Advisory Committee and Kylie Stoelwinder-Smith to the Youth Council Committee.
Council approved development permit application 24-17 for the development of three tiny homes within SE-23-83-21-W5M with the standard conditions and the following additions:
- Connection to the municipal sewer system by January 2026.
- Landscaping, all exterior lighting, all accesses egresses, and parking stalls are completed as per the Master Site Development Plan and approved by the Development Authority.
- All tiny homes must be equipped with smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers.
- The final permit service reports must be submitted to the County within 60 days of receiving inspection reports for all buildings, electrical, gas, and plumbing.
- No additional tiny homes can be placed on the site without the submission and approval of an additional development permit application.
- Council gave third reading to and passed Bylaw B463/24 Economic and Tourism Development as presented.
- Council gave first and second reading to Bylaw B465/25 Tax Penalties Bylaw as presented. Third reading will be requested at the January 28, 2025 regular Council meeting.
- Council approved the amendments to Policy 3.17 Travel and Subsistence as presented.
Donations and Sponsorships:
- $350 to the Battle of the Badges Hockey Fundraiser on January 18, 2025 in Peace River, AB.
Upcoming Council Meetings:
- January 28 & February 11, 2025 regular Council Meetings at 9:30 a.m. in the Northern Sunrise County Council Chamber.
Council meetings will also be available for virtual attendance.
To access the meeting link visit northernsunrise.civicweb.net.