NSC 2021 Shelterbelt Program is accepting orders!

Katie BartmanArchived

You did it again 😊

Over 9700 trees were planted in our beautiful County this year!!

Spectacular – way to be NSC residents!

Here’s a snapshot of what went in the ground…

Now it’s time to start planning your 2021 Shelterbelt Project!

Please visit ‘AWES’ Agroforestry & Woodlot Extension Society’s *NEW* NATIVE SPECIES DATABASE to help you decide what species works best with your land and vision.

Additionally, check out their Fact Sheets for a wealth of information on tree planning, planting, and maintenance.

Below is a list of the native species NSC is offering for 2021…

To place your order, please submit your Tree Seedling Order Form (below) to ALUS@northernsunrise.net or fax to 780.322.3000

We CAN make a difference one tree at a time!