May 28, 2024 Council Meeting Highlights

Allyssa RygersbergAnnouncements, Council Highlights, Current, News


At the regular Council meeting held on May 28, 2024, Administration was directed to:

  • Send a letter of congratulations to the Peace River High School Graduating Class of 2024.
  • Dispose of Agricultural Services Equipment – 2013 County Clipper Challenger sold to the public through a sealed reserve bid.
  • Dispose of Agricultural Services Equipment – the Bobcat Seeder by returning it to Bobcat as a trade-in for an 80-inch Dozer Blade.


  • Council gave third reading to and passed Bylaw B450/24 Revised Emergency Management Bylaw as presented.
  • Council gave third reading to and passed Bylaw B452/24 Municipal Planning Commission as presented.


  • Council approved Policy 2.19 ALUS Program as presented.


  • Darcy Forman, Evan Namur, Maude Ramsay, and Cam Wietzel with Canadian Natural Resources Limited provided a verbal update of their operations.
  • Norm Duval and Caron Van Slyke with the Peace Regional Women’s Shelter Society provided an update of the Shelter’s operations.

Donations and Sponsorships:

  • $100 door prize to the RCMP Victim Services Unit Annual Golf Tournament on June 14, 2024 in Grimshaw, AB.

Upcoming Council Meetings:

  • June 11, 2024, regular Council meeting at 9:30 a.m. & June 25, 2024, regular Council meeting at 11:00 a.m. in the Northern Sunrise County Council Chamber.
  • Public Hearing June 11, 2024, at 10:30 a.m. for Bylaw B456/24 for the purpose of redistricting approximately 1.78 acres within NE-35-80-19-W5M from Agricultural District to Direct Control District.
  • Council meetings and Public Hearings will also be available for virtual attendance. 

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