At the regular Council meeting held on December 12, 2023, Administration was directed to:
- Send a letter of support for the Peace River Boating Association regarding construction of a boat launch at the north end of the Town of Peace River.
- Advertise for the Cadotte Lake vacancy on the FCSS Advisory Committee.
Council adopted the 2024 Provisional Operating & Capital Budgets as presented. Passing of the provisional budgets allows Administration to begin work on 2024 capital projects as well as maintain operations. The final budget will be passed in April 2024. Included in this year’s capital budget is ongoing drainage project works totaling – ~ $1.8 Million.
In addition, the capital budget includes replacement equipment for Public Works and the Agricultural Services departments, as well as road maintenance, including re-graveling in the Marie Reine/Judah areas and bridge file maintenance.
- Council gave first and second reading to Bylaw B434/23 Cancellation of Subdivision Plan 0729136 as presented. Third reading will be requested at the January 9, 2024, regular Council meeting.
- Council gave first reading to Bylaw B439/23 for the purpose of redistricting the area within Plan 2221487; Block 1; Lot 2 from Agricultural District (A) to Country Residential District (CR) as amended.
- Council approved amendments to Policy 3.18 Council and Board Remuneration as presented.
- Staff Sgt. Dave Browne and Constable Mitch Guenette with the Peace Regional RCMP Detachment provided an update on the Second Quarter Policing statistics and the Community Liaison Officer’s report.
Donations and Sponsorships:
- $12,000 to the Musée de St. Isidore to assist with the cost of their artifact cataloging project.
- $14,000 to the École des Quatre-Vents School Council to assist with the cost of building their playground.
- $10,000 to the Peace River Family Services/Salvation Army for their food bank program.
- $632 to the Peace River Community Soup Kitchen for their operations.
- $1,000 to École Heritage to assist with the cost of their French Exchange Trip activities on February 6-12, 2024.
Upcoming Council Meetings:
- January 9 & 30, 2024, regular Council Meetings at 9:30 a.m. in the Northern Sunrise County Council Chamber.
Council meetings will also be available for virtual attendance.
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