October 27, 2020 Organizational Meeting
At the October 27, 2020 organizational meeting, Councillors Kolebaba and Williams were both re-elected as Reeve and Deputy Reeve by acclamation.
Council appointed public members to the Agricultural Service Board, Economic and Tourism Development Committee, FCSS Committee, Intermunicipal Weed and Pest Appeal Board, Municipal Planning Commission, Regional Assessment Review Board and the Northern Sunrise County Watershed Advisory Committee. A complete list of all Boards and Committees will soon be available on the County website.
Council also appointed Councillors to the above committees and boards as well as several external committees. These appointments will also be included in the list of all Boards and Committees that will be available on the County’s website.
Administration was directed to:
- Send a letter to Alberta Transportation regarding the impact that the current design of the twinning of Highway 2 would have on the County.
- Send a letter to Alberta Transportation advocating for turnout lanes at the intersection of Highway 2 and Township Road 830 (North Harmon Valley Road).
October 27, 2020 Council Meeting
At the regular Council meeting held on October 27, 2020, Administration was directed to:
- Request an amendment to the V.S.I. Services (1980) Ltd. contract to implement an annual compensation cap of $5,000 per producer.
Council authorized the Reeve and CAO to sign the Agricultural Service Board 2020-2024 Grant Agreement with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry as presented.
Council appointed Olive Toews as the Returning Officer and Jocelyn Gagnon as the Substitute Returning Officer for the Northern Sunrise County 2021 Municipal Election.
Donations and Sponsorships:
- $500 to the Peace River Air Cadets in lieu of Remembrance Day.
- $600 to the Peace River Aboriginal Interagency Committee for the annual Pow Wow Calendar.
- $100 to the Peace River Legion for a wreath for Remembrance Day
Upcoming Council Meetings:
- November 9 Council Budget Meeting at 9:30 a.m.
- November 10 & 24 regular Council Meeting at 9:30 a.m.
- As the provincial limitations of 2 metre physical distancing remain in effect, all upcoming Council meetings will continue to be held electronically via Zoom. To access electronic Council meetings, please do the following:
- Go to www.northernsunrise.net
- Scroll down and click on Go To Civicweb Portal on the Council meeting Agendas and Minutes box.
- Follow the instructions listed in the Electronic Council Meetings information box on the page.