Join us for this informational workshop on dealing with livestock predation featuring speakers Louise Liebenberg and Joe Engelhart.
Louise Liebenberg, the owner of Grazerie, operates the first ranch in Canada to be certified “Predator Friendly.” Louise manages predation through good husbandry skills, mindful management, and Livestock Guardian Dogs. Grazerie looks for and uses long-term sustainable solutions for predator management.
Joe Engelhart is a range rider who manages the extensive public lands grazing leases of the Spruce Ranch Co-op south of Longview, AB. Joe continues the long, proud tradition of the professional cowboy, but with a 21st-century outlook. He’s a steward for the health of grazing lands, and he manages the cattle to minimize opportunities for predators.
This is a free workshop brought to you through TC Energy and ALUS Northern Sunrise County.
November 25, 2021, at the Harmon Valley Hall from 1 pm – 4:30 pm
Seats are limited! Please register for the workshop at Eventbrite