At the regular Council meeting held on June 13, 2023, Administration was directed to:
- Apply for the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Green Municipal Fund grant on behalf of the Peace Regional Waste Management Company for their Waste to Energy project.
- Send congratulatory letters to the newly appointed Ministers and the MLAs elected for our area.
- Send Agricultural Services Department Unit #63047 – 2014 Toolcat 5600 to an upcoming auction, as per Policy 1.2 Disposal of Surplus items.
Council proclaimed June 2023 as National Indigenous History Month in Northern Sunrise County.
- Council gave first and second reading to Bylaw B426/23 Credit Card Borrowing Bylaw. Third Reading will be requested at the June 27, 2023, regular Council meeting.
- Council gave first and second reading to Bylaw B427/23 Line of Credit Borrowing Bylaw. Third Reading will be requested at the June 27, 2023, regular Council meeting.
- Council gave second and third reading to and passed Bylaw B432/23 for the purpose of redistricting the area within Plan 2221926, with the exception of Plan 8121430; Block 1; Lot 7, from Forestry District (F) to Little Buffalo District (LB).
- Karla Reesor and Eileen Coristine with the Peace River Area Monitoring Program provided an update of their operations.
Donations and Sponsorships:
- $1,000 to the 2023 Northern Trek in August 2023.
- $1,000 to the Peace River Aboriginal Interagency Committee for the National Indigenous Peoples Day event on June 21, 2023, in Peace River, AB.
Upcoming Council Meetings:
- June 27 & July 11, 2023, regular Council Meetings at 9:30 a.m. in the Northern Sunrise County Council Chamber.
Council meetings will also be available for virtual attendance. To access the meeting link visit