July 12, 2022 Council Meeting Highlights

Olive ToewsArchived, Council Highlights


At the regular Council meeting held on July 12 , 2022, Administration was directed to:

  • Nominate Julien Bergeron, Deputy Fire Chief, for the Outstanding Contribution to Emergency Management award.
  • Apply for an Administrative Intern with the Municipal Internship Program for 2023-2024.
  • Request meetings with various Ministers at the 2022 RMA Fall Convention.
  • Invite the Alberta Senators and Arnold Viersen, Member of Parliament for Peace River – Westlock, to a meeting with Northern Sunrise County.
  • Invite Dan Williams, MLA for Peace River, and Pat Rehn, MLA for Lesser Slave River, to a meeting with Northern Sunrise County.
  • Invite the Councils of the Town of Peace River and the Village of Nampa to the above meetings.


  • Council received a presentation from the Town of Peace River and McElhanney regarding the Pat’s Creek Flood Mitigation Options.


  • $1,000 to Northern Trek 2022 for the Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation.

Upcoming Council Meetings:

  • July 26 & August 9, 2022, regular Council Meetings at 9:30 a.m. in the Northern Sunrise County Council Chamber.

Council meetings will also be available for virtual attendance.  To access the meeting link visit northernsunrise.civicweb.net.