January 30, 2024, Council Meeting
At the regular Council meeting held on January 30, 2024, Administration was directed to:
- Send a letter to the Minister of Environment and Protected Areas regarding the County’s concern that BC Hydro’s operations may impact the water levels of the Peace River and limit access to a sustainable water supply for people.
- Implement the recommendations outlined in the Northern Sunrise County Business Park Investment Strategy Report regarding the enhancement of the County’s website.
- Send a letter to the Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation expressing the County’s opposition to the potential amendments being made to remove Canada Thistle from the Alberta Weed Control Act.
- Send a letter to MP Arnold Viersen regarding the Federal government’s implementation of mandatory energy performance requirements in the National Model Building Codes.
- Council gave third reading to and passed Bylaw B441/24 Fees and Charges Bylaw as presented.
- Council gave all three readings to and passed Bylaw B442/24 to Repeal Bylaw B367/19 Order of Reclamation as presented.
Donations and Sponsorships:
- $750 to the Community Futures Peace Country for the SongRise Music Conference on October 4-5, 2024.
- $1,000 to the North Peace Performing Arts Festival Association for the Performing Arts Festival on March 10-23, 2024.
- $1,000 to the Northern Rural Chicks for their Women’s Day Event on April 13, 2024.
- $1,000 to the Peace River Art Club to assist with their operations.
- $1,500 to the Alberta Pond Hockey Association for the 2024 Alberta Pond Hockey Championships on March 8-10, 2024.
Upcoming Council Meetings:
- February 13 & 27, 2024, regular Council Meetings at 9:30 a.m. in the Northern Sunrise County Council Chamber.
Council meetings will also be available for virtual attendance.
To access the meeting link visit northernsunrise.civicweb.net.