At the regular Council meeting held on February 26, 2019, Administration was directed to:
- Send a letter of support for the Northwest Species at Risk Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute North West Collaborative Caribou Ranges Research Project.
- Send a letter of support and permission to the St. Isidore Cultural Committee for their application to the Federated Co-operatives’ Community Spaces Fund for the purpose of constructing a storage shed.
- Council gave third reading to and passed Bylaw B342/19 for the purpose of amending Bylaw B275/15 to update definitions, amend Specific Land Use Provision Sections, add the Stripping, Filling, Excavation and Grading use in the appropriate districts, and create an Overlay with the Nampa IDP Bylaw B311/17 as presented.
- Council gave third reading to and passed Bylaw B343/19 for the purpose of creating two new land use districts within the Land Use Bylaw B275/15 specifically for the Sunrise Gateway Business Park as presented.
- $2,500 to the Nampa Minor Hockey Association for operating costs.
- Silent Auction item to the Alberta Coordinated Action for Recycling Enterprises conference in the amount of $250.
- Council received a presentation from Peter Clarke with the Peace River & District Health Foundation.
Upcoming Council Meetings:
- March 12 & 26 regular Council Meetings at 9:30 a.m.