August 9 Council Meeting Highlights

Jocelyn GagnonArchived, Council Highlights


At the regular Council meeting held on August 9, 2022, Administration was directed to:

  • Accept the proposal from i-Valley for an assessment of broadband service solutions in the County.
  • Send a letter of congratulations to Staff Sergeant Dave Browne regarding his new position as the Peace Regional RCMP Detachment Commander.

Council approved a one-year extension for subdivision application 231MK017 on NW-12-82-19-W5M.

Council authorized the Reeve to sign the memorandum of agreement with Alberta Transportation for the Judah Hill slide highway realignment on Highway 744.


  • Council gave third reading and passed the following Bylaws as presented:
    • Bylaw B409/22 Public Places Bylaw
    • Bylaw B410/22 Development Officer Bylaw
    • Bylaw B411/22 CAO Bylaw
    • Bylaw B412/22 Agricultural Fieldman Bylaw
  • Council gave first and second reading to Bylaw B414/22 Dog Control Bylaw as presented.  Third reading will be requested at the August 23, 2022 regular Council meeting.


  • Policy 1.18 Board and Committee Member Code of Ethics & Guiding Principles was approved as amended.
  • Policy 1.34 Public Appointment to Boards and Committees was approved as amended.


  • Geeteshwar Anand, Roel Coert, Terry Dalton, Barry Gander and Warren Kalyn with i-Valley provided a presentation regarding stand-alone broadband for rural environments.

Upcoming Council Meetings:

  • August 23 & September 13, 2022, regular Council Meetings at 9:30 a.m. in the Northern Sunrise County Council Chamber.

Council meetings will also be available for virtual attendance. 

To access the meeting link visit