June 25, 2024 Council Highlights

Jocelyn GagnonArchived


At the regular Council meeting held on June 25, 2024, Administration was directed to:

  • Send a letter to Dan Williams, MLA for Peace River with copies to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services, all Northern MLAs, and the Rural Municipalities of Alberta requesting that the new zonal model for Victim Services Units be an advisory model only.

Council accepted the Northern Sunrise County Drought Management Plan as amended.


  • Council gave first and second reading to Bylaw B446/24 Agricultural Service Board as presented. Third reading of the bylaw will be requested on the July 23, 2024 regular Council meeting.
  • Council gave first reading to Bylaw B447/24 Watershed Advisory Committee as presented.


  • Debbie Bzowy, Lorena Coombes, Mackenzy Guerette, Jeanette Petkus and Louise Woroniuk with the Peace Regional Outreach Campus provided an update on their operations.
  • John Hickley with Baytex Energy provided an update on the operations.

Upcoming Council Meetings:

  • July 23 & August 27, 2024, regular Council Meetings at 9:30 a.m. in the Northern Sunrise County Council Chamber.

Council meetings will also be available for virtual attendance. 

To access the meeting link visit northernsunrise.civicweb.net.