June 11, 2024 Council Meeting Highlights

Allyssa RygersbergAnnouncements, Council Highlights, Current, News


At the regular Council meeting held on June 11, 2024, Administration was directed to:

  • Send a letter to the Provincial and Federal governments expressing Council’s continued support for the establishment of the Lubicon Lake Band #453 Reserve and to request an update on the status of the Land Transfer
  • Send an invitation to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to visit Northern Sunrise County and tour the Peace Region’s oilsands development.

Council approved Development Permit Application 24-10 for a Temporary Camp within NE-35-80-19-W5M with the standard development conditions and the following additional conditions:

  • The camp will be in operation for no longer than the 2024 tree planting season;
  • An Emergency Response Plan approved by the Director of Protective Services;
  • A muster point identified within the parking area, adequate lighting, and marked stalls for residents to ensure safety in case of an emergency; 
  • The site shall be reclaimed to its original state when it is no longer in operation; and
  • Dust control measures shall be implemented on the Reno Road to mitigate the impact of increased traffic.


  • Council gave first reading to Bylaw B457/24 Wards and Council Composition for Municipal Election Purposes as presented with public consultations to take place in Ward 5 (Three Creeks/Wesley Creek) and Ward 6 (Cadotte Lake/Little Buffalo).
  • Council gave second and third reading to and passed Bylaw B456/24 for the Purpose of Redistricting Approximately 1.78 Acres Within NE-35-80-19-W5M from Agricultural District to Direct Control District as presented.

Donations and Sponsorships:

  • $3,000 Nord-Ouest FM to assist with their operating costs for 2024.

Upcoming Council Meetings:

  • June 25, 2024, regular Council meeting at 11:00 a.m. & July 23, 2024, regular Council Meeting at 9:30 a.m. in the Northern Sunrise County Council Chamber.

Council meetings will also be available for virtual attendance. 

To access the meeting link visit northernsunrise.civicweb.net.