July 23, 2024 Council Meeting Highlights

Allyssa RygersbergArchived

July 23, 2024, Council Meeting


At the regular Council meeting held on July 23, 2024, Administration was directed to:

  • Request a meeting with the Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation at the Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA) 2024 Fall Convention on November 4-7, 2024, in Edmonton, AB to discuss funding for SARDA Agricultural Research.
  • Request a meeting with the Minister of Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction at the RMA 2024 Fall Convention to discuss charitable gaming funding allocation.

Council proclaimed September 23-29, 2024, as Rail Safety Week in Northern Sunrise County.


  • Council gave second and third reading to, and passed Bylaw B447/24 Watershed Advisory Committee as amended to reduce the committee membership from seven to five to include four public members from Northern Sunrise County and one Councillor.
  • Council gave third reading to, and passed Bylaw B446/24 Agricultural Service Board as presented.
  • Council gave first and second reading to Bylaw B455/24 Parks Committee as presented. Third reading will be requested at the August 27, 2024 regular Council meeting.
  • Council defeated Bylaw B449/24 for the Purpose of Redistricting 7.96 Acres Within SE-23-83-21-W5M from Agricultural District to Mixed Density Rural Residential District at first reading and directed Administration to draft a new bylaw for the purpose of redistricting the land to Direct Control to Council for review along with a Master Site Development Plan from the applicant.


Council approved the following policies as presented:

  • Policy 1.18 Boards & Committee Members Code of Ethics
  • Policy 1.31 Public Participation
  • Policy 1.34 Public Appointment to Boards & Committees


  • Julianne Threlfall with Canadian National Railway Company provided an overview of CN’s operations.
  • Kevin Chrenek and Allison Yurko with RBC Dominion Securities Inc. provided an update on the County’s investment portfolio.

Donations and Sponsorships:

  • $250 to the Reduce Injury Student Knowledge Program to assist community agencies in educating grade 10 students about distracted and impaired driving, and the consequences of not wearing seat belts.
  • $12,600 to the Nampa & District Agricultural Society to help cover the emergent costs of installing weeping tile at the Nampa Complex to prevent water damage.  

Upcoming Council Meetings:

  • August 27 & September 10, 2024, regular Council Meetings at 9:30 a.m. in the Northern Sunrise County Council Chamber.
  • September 10, 2024, Governance & Priorities Committee Meeting will follow after the regular Council meeting.

Meetings will also be available for virtual attendance. 

To access the meeting link visit northernsunrise.civicweb.net.