December 10, 2019 Council Meeting Highlights

Jocelyn GagnonArchived, Council Highlights


Council adopted the 2020 Provisional Operating and Capital Budgets. The final 2020 Operating and Capital Budgets will be passed in April 2020.

Council appointed Trent Keller as a Weed and Pest Inspector and a Soil Conservation Officer for the period of his employment with the County.

Also, at the regular Council meeting held on December 10, 2019, Administration was directed to:

  • Proceed with the land transfer of Sagitawa Lookout from the Town of Peace River to the County.
  • Send a letter of support to Lubicon Lake Band #453 regarding their request to reduce the speed limit on Highway 986 through the Hamlet of Little Buffalo to 60km per hour.
  • Send a letter to VSI Services (1980) Ltd. requesting information on the recruitment of large animal veterinarians to the region.
  • Send a letter of support to the Peace Region Alberta 55 Plus Games Bid Committee.
  • Send a letter to Sturgeon County indicating that the County will not be participating in the Alberta Reception at the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Annual Conference on June 4-7, 2020 in Toronto, ON.
  • Send a letter of support to the Peace River Senior Citizens Club for their Community Facility Enhancement Program Grant application to replace the roof on the seniors centre building.
  • Follow up on the issue of portable chipping operations near residences in the County. 
  • Partner with the Town of Peace River for the Alberta Rural Crime Prevention Framework pilot program facilitated by the Canadian Municipal Network on Crime Prevention.
  • Apply for the Provincial Education Requisition Credit for Uncollected Education Property Taxes on Oil and Gas Properties.


  • Council gave third reading to Bylaw B363/19 Bylaw Enforcement Officer Bylaw.
  • Council gave third reading to Bylaw B367/19 Reclamation of NW-3-85-20-W5M (Roll #046634), SE-9-85-20-W5M (Roll #046647), SW-10-85-20-W5M (Roll #046651) and NW-34-84-20-W5M (Roll #046626) Bylaw.
  • Council gave first and second reading to Bylaw B366/19 Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework between Northern Sunrise County and the Municipal District of Lesser Slave River No. 124. Third reading of the Bylaw will be requested on the January 14, 2020 regular Council meeting agenda.

Donations and Sponsorships:

  • $500 to the North Peace Performing Arts Festival to be held on March 1-14, 2020 in Peace River.
  • $15,000 to assist in the initial funding for the Peace Region 55 Plus Games, should the bid be awarded to the Peace Region.
  • $15,000 to the Peace River Salvation Army Food Bank program.

Upcoming Council Meetings:

  • January 14 regular Council Meeting 9:30 a.m.
  • January 28 regular Council Meeting 9:30 a.m.