Northern Sunrise County, SARDA and Alberta Agriculture and Forestry present a FREE Clubroot Information Session!
Clubroot is a soil-borne pathogen of cruciferous plants. It was first discovered in Alberta in 2007, and has been spreading like a wildfire since. It has entered the Peace Country with the first cases of clubroot being reported in 2017.
Unlike werewolves, clubroot is not a myth and there is no silver bullet that will fix a clubroot problem. We are hosting this information session on January 24, 2018, from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm, at the St. Isidore Cultural Centre (1st Street, St. Ididore, AB), to provide producers with information on how to prevent, and manage clubroot issues; a detailed walkthrough of the pathogen’s lifecycle; and provincial and county policy towards clubroot.
Although clubroot is a disease that is spoken of almost exclusively in conjunction with canola, this pathogen will negatively impact any cruciferous plant – including vegetables like kale and cabbage! This link can tell you more about how to protect your gardens, and recognize the signs that you may have clubroot.
Anyone who wants to learn more about the pathogen that causes clubroot, and its effects, feel free to attend this free information session. Please register by emailing or by calling 780-322-3831.