Subdivision and Development Regulation

Enacted in 2002 and amended in 2017, the Subdivision and Development Regulation sets out specific requirements, procedures, and guidelines for the referral and decision-making process on subdivision applications in Alberta, supplementing the requirements of the Municipal Government Act (MGA). The regulation prescribes the following setback distances:

  • 100 metres from gas and oil wells
  • 1.5 kilometres from sour gas wells and facilities (depending on the level of the sour gas facility and the intensity of the proposed use)
  • 300 metres from the working area of a wastewater treatment plant
  • 300 metres from the disposal area of an operating or non-operating landfill, or the working area of an operating storage site
  • 450 metres from the working area of an operating landfill, the working or disposal area of a non-operating hazardous waste management facility, or the working or disposal area of an operating hazardous waste management facility

Applicants for subdivision or development permits (except when the proposed building is less than 47 square metres) are also required to provide information on any abandoned oil and gas wells located on the subject parcel. If an abandoned well is identified during the application process, Alberta Energy Regulator Directive 079 (Surface Development in Proximity to Abandoned Wells) specifies minimum setbacks and may require the applicant to contact the licensee of record.