Sunrise Gateway Business Park Industrial District "MSG"
To provide for a wide range of large-scale industrial uses on large parcels within the Sunrise Gateway Business Park consistent with the direction
established by the Sunrise Gateway Business Park Area Structure Plan.
Permitted Uses
Agricultural, Extensive
Stripping, Filling, Excavation, and Grading
Top Soil Removal
Commercial Discretionary Uses
Ancillary Building and/or Use
Agricultural, Machinery Sales, and Services
Agricultural Supply Depot
Cannabis Production Facility
Industrial, Light Manufacturing and Processing
Public Use
Public Utility
Radio Communication and Broadcasting Antenna System
Solar Collector
Storage Tank, Aboveground
Storage Tank, Pressure Vessel
Truck Stop
Parcel Size
Minimum: 0.5ha (1.2ac)
Minimum Total Floor Area
As required by the Development Authority
Minimum: 41m (135ft) or at the discretion of Alberta Transportation
Rural Road
Minimum: 7.6m (25ft)
Minimum: 4.6m (15ft)
Minimum: 10% of the width of the site or 6.1m (20ft), whichever is the lesser.
Where a side yard abuts a primary highway or a secondary road, the side yard adjacent to the highway or secondary road shall be required by the Development Authority.
Design, Character, and Appearance of Development Sites and Buildings
The Development Authority shall have regard for the development standards established by the Sunrise Gateway Business Park Area Structure Plan
when reviewing development applications.
As part of the development permit application, the applicant shall provide a Landscaping Plan. At the discretion of the Development Authority the
Landscaping Plan may be required to be prepared by a licensed landscape architect.
The provision of site landscaping is a permanent obligation of a development permit and landscaping must be installed and maintained no less than the standard set by the approved landscaping plan.
The Development Authority may require screening between adjacent developments with a vegetated buffer and/or other screening of a visually pleasing nature.
Additional Requirements
The Development Authority may decide on such other requirements as are necessary, having due regard to the nature of a proposed Development and the purpose of this District.