Hamlet-Manufactured Home Residential District "HMHR"


The general purpose of this District is to permit manufactured home development in areas of established Hamlets.


Permitted Uses

Ancillary Building and/or Use
Dwelling Unit, Manufactured home
Occupation, Home (Type I)
Stripping, Filling, Excavation, and Grading


Discretionary Uses

Occupation, Home (Type II)
Public Use
Public Utility
Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna System
Recreation, Intensive
Wind Energy Conversion System, Small (Type A)

Parcel Size

Permitted Uses:465m² (5000 ft²)

Discretionary Uses
As required by the Development Authority

Minimum Total Floor Area

Manufactured Home: 65m² (700 ft²)

All other uses: As required by the Development Authority




Minimum: 7.6 m (25ft)


Minimum: 2.43m (8ft)


Interior: 1.5m (5ft)
Exterior: 3.04m (10ft)

Design, Character, and Appearance of Buildings

  1. The exterior finish of building shall be wood, metal or similar siding to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.
  2. All manufactured homes shall be factory built or of an equivalent quality as required by the Development Authority.
  3. The basement, solid footings, concrete or wood foundation wall or skirting shall be provided so the appearance, design  and construction complement the manufactured home.

 4.The undercarriage of a manufactured home shall be screened from view to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

 5. All ancillary structures such as patios, porches, and additions shall be factory pre-fabricated units or of a quality equivalent thereto, so that the           appearance, design, and construction compliment the manufactured home.

Off-Street Parking

As required by the Development Authority


 Special Land Provisions

  1. No finished lot grade shall exceed the street grade line by more than 0.6m (2ft) and shall slope in such a manner that runoff from rain and melting snow is onto the front and side streets, and not onto adjacent properties.
  2. Fences constructed around a manufactured home shall be a maximum height of 1.8m (6ft) along he read and side property lines of the lot up to the front property line of the manufactured home and a maximum height of 1.22m (4ft) from the front of the manufactured home to the front property line of the lot.
  3. No domestic animals shall be kept on a manufactured home lot for commercial purposes.
  4. All undeveloped areas of a manufactured home lot shall be landscaped in a manner that does not detract from the appearance of the lot or adjacent lands and shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.
  5. Garbage and garbage containers placed on a manufactured home lot shall be secluded except during pick-up times and shall be stored in a manner that will not detract from the appearance of the lot or adjacent lots.