
Bridge & Culvert Maintenance

Northern Sunrise County maintains 99 bridges and bridge-sized culverts within the municipality. Bridges are inspected on a rotational basis and monitored by the Alberta Transportation Bridge Information and Maintenance System. Bridges and bridge-sized culverts are maintained or replaced as directed by inspection reports and are organized by bridge file number. Bridge files are repaired before low level advisories are placed on bridges. All bridges, bridge-sized culverts and roads are maintained to a high level of standard.

What is a Bridge-Sized Culvert?

A bridge-sized culvert is a singular culvert under a road that has a diameter of 1500 mm or larger. A bridge-sized culvert can also be multiple smaller culverts that equal the same hydraulic capacity as the singular bridge-sized culvert. For example, two 1200 mm culverts are classified as a bridge-sized culvert. The photo shows a bridge-sized culvert of three 2400 mm culverts.