Intermunicipal Development Plans (IDPs)
An Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) is a statutory plan prepared collaboratively between two or more municipalities to guide the future development of lands of mutual importance. IDPs provide a cooperative framework for efficient land use planning and decision-making at the interface between municipal boundaries. They are adopted by the municipalities involved through matching bylaws and include policies that address land use, environmental considerations, transportation, economic development, intermunicipal infrastructure, services, and programs, as well as procedures for administering and amending the plan. All IDPs must be consistent with the ALSA Regional Plans of the Provincial Land Use Framework once those plans are completed.
Municipal Boundaries and Existing IDPs
Northern Sunrise County shares boundaries with ten municipalities, including two urban and eight rural. The urban municipalities are the Town of Peace River and the Village of Nampa. The rural municipalities include:
- Mackenzie County
- County of Northern Lights
- Municipal District of Peace No. 135
- Birch Hills County
- Municipal District of Smoky River No. 130
- Big Lakes County
- Municipal District of Lesser Slave River No. 124
- Municipal District of Opportunity No. 17
Previously, IDPs were not mandatory under the MGA and were developed only when neighbouring municipalities agreed to adopt them. However, under the amended MGA, IDPs are now mandatory for all municipalities sharing a common boundary, unless they are part of a growth region or have received an exemption from the requirement from the Minister of Municipal Affairs.
Current IDPs in Northern Sunrise County:
- Northern Sunrise County - Village of Nampa IDP (2017)
- Northern Sunrise County - Town of Peace River IDP (2019)
- Northern Sunrise County - Municipal District of Smoky River 130 IDP (2019)
Given the recent changes in the MGA, Northern Sunrise County will be developing additional IDPs with some of its rural neighbours where IDPs did not previously exist. Opportunities for public input will be available once these new IDPs are initiated.
The existing IDPs can be viewed above, and the new IDPs will be made available online once completed and adopted by Council.