Municipal Development Plan (MDP)

The Northern Sunrise County Municipal Development Plan (MDP) was adopted by Council in 2021 to establish a long-term framework and policy direction for future land use, growth patterns, infrastructure provision, and transportation within the County. The MDP provides Council, administration, residents, and developers with a cohesive framework that guides local decision-making in alignment with the County’s long-term vision. The key objectives of the plan include:

  • Protecting Agricultural Land and Rural Character: Safeguarding the County’s prime agricultural lands and preserving its rural character.

  • Guiding Future Growth: Informing land use, infrastructure, and development-related policy decisions that reflect the County’s priorities for sustainable growth.

  • Supporting Natural Assets and Tourism: Protecting, promoting, and enhancing environmentally sensitive areas and open spaces to support the County’s natural assets and tourism potential.

  • Promoting Sustainable Development: Encouraging residential, commercial, and industrial growth that adheres to sustainable and efficient development practices and standards.

  • Coordinating with Municipal Neighbours: Establishing protocols for coordination with neighbouring municipalities to identify and promote areas that support long-term growth in the Peace Region.