Child Care Business Plan Survey

Amber HouleArchived

Nampa/Northern Sunrise County Community Services is seeking information on current and future child care needs of parents and guardians with children ages 0-10 that reside in the Village of Nampa and/or Northern Sunrise County. With the growing population and complexity of child care issues, this survey will assist Community Services and Council to plan for the years ahead. This survey will provide valuable insight and highlight the communities child care needs.
The Child Care Business Plan survey will be available to all parents with children ages 0-10 who live within the Village of Nampa and Northern Sunrise County. This survey will be available during the month of August 2018.
To complete the survey online visit Child Care Business Case Survey
Paper copies available at your local FCSS Office & County Administration Building
If you require assistance with this survey please contact Amber Houle at 780-625-3287 or at